Report to the NAFP

Dear Partners in Ministry,
I want to take a moment to say thank you for partnering with us during this past year.  Your concern and prayers for us have made a huge difference in the work that is being accomplished.  
We want you to know that you are a very important part of something great that God is doing in the North Andean Field.
We are presently involved in our annual seventeen district assemblies.  Tomorrow our General Superintendent in jurisdiction will arrive on the NAF and we will visit all three countries.  He will preside 5 assemblies and several ordination services.
We decided not to hold a partnership meeting in 2009.  Some of you may be at General Conventions and Assembly in June and if so we encourage you to come by the South America display and visit with us.  Our entire missionary staff from Ecuador and Colombia will be present.
Typically we have held our annual meeting in the month of February and have shared with you a report on funds generated by the partnership.  A report from February 2008 through January 2009 is available.  To receive this report, use the "Email Us" link to the right to email us a request.

We praise the Lord that in spite of the global economic crisis, our total income generated by partners was $209,681.52. This was an increase of $22,959.81 over the previous year.  This is funding for special projects and W&W teams generated by partners.
We greatly value all you do to help us fulfill the vision that God has given to us here on the NAF.  Thank you to many of you who came and first hand saw what is happening and got your hands dirty here alongside of us.
May God richly bless each one of you.  You are making a difference and we are grateful to you.


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