Extreme in Ibarra and PLNU Love Works

Praise the Lord for the first organized Ecuador Nazarene Extreme church which is Puerta Abierta in Ibarra and is pastored by Pastor Yoan and Pastora Astrid Camacaro. Yoan is from Venezuela and attended the seminary in Quito Ecuador. District Superintendent Hernán Puga preached a motivational sermon and officiated the organization service.  Kurtis Strunk, cluster coordinator shares the following: "What a fun day! This morning was a special service here in Ibarra. District and Regional leaders came to organize the church formally. We had 131 present from our city, not including our leadership team and those who came to visit from Quito. Standing room only is a great problem to have. Now we pray that God leads us to just the right land to purchase for the construction of a new building this year. Your kingdom come, Jesus."

NAF Field Strategies Coordinator Dwight Rich is praying over Pastors Yoan and Astrid Carmarco while missionaries Carolyn Rich and Shirley Fischer and District Superintendent Hernán Puga are standing by.  

We praise the Lord for the many children and adults that the PLNU Love Works team and the MNU interns ministered to.  They safely traveled over 1.300 miles to four districts sharing the love of Jesus in songs dramas and just playing with children in our Nazarene churches and one public school. They first traveled to the Coast District and held many services for children, cleaned up around one of the churches and put a roof on a bathroom. The District Superintendent Eduardo Meza traveled with them to the many areas and participated with them. Sunday they attended church and then spent the day with the Meza family taking in some of the sights in the Guayaquil area.   In one area they encouraged a church by cleaning up the yard and putting a new roof on their bathroom.  In another area they painted a chapel and dug out and carried concrete in buckets for the floor of a bathroom.  They learned many things about the culture, the people and the food of Ecuador.  They loved on the children and have special memories of them in their hearts and new friends they will be praying for. Several shared that their missions experience in Ecuador may change how they are thinking of their future. Please remember them in prayer as they are back at their homes and searching for ways to tell their experiences and stories so that friends and family can understand why they left a little piece of their hearts in Ecuador. The pictures below show some of their ministry experiences.




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