Changes to the Nazarene Campground

We give praise for the Fergus Falls, MN Work and Witness team for making many changes to the North Coast Campground.  They worked hard and God gave them great health and multiplied their hours of work.

May God bless them as they continue to keep missions alive in their church. The team leader was Tim Baker, Executive Pastor of the Fergus Falls Church of the Nazarene.  Tim and his family formerly served as Nazarenes in Volunteer Service with the Fischers in Venezuela and also were NIVS in Ecuador.  Luke his son is presently serving as a Global Serve Volunteer in Ecuador.

Darin was the cutting man.

The men replaced two roofs, one on the dining hall and the other
 on the bathroom which is the small building on the right. 

Team work makes the load lighter.  

Volunteer Eileen was a great help in the kitchen.
She has no slow -mode, only fast. It was nice to eat on the basket-ball court
since the kitchen was not able to be used. 

The men not only replaced the roof on the bathroom but also laid tiles.
They also poured sidewalks on both ends of the bathroom and cleaned out
some old dorm rooms by knocking a wall down and cleaning out junk.
They built a privacy wall in front of the bathroom door.

The finished roof of the dining hall, looks nice.  They also built a small roof
like structure that covers the sidewalk in front of where the two double
doors will go on the side of this building, to create a new entrance to avoid
through the kitchen when entering.  It will also create a nice air flow.

Scot was our painter.

Tim and Troy take time out to take a selfie. 


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