Not Only a Metal Structure

Ron Boeve, a 9 trip volunteer from Oregon to Ecuador, has returned with his friend, Rick Teeny, to build 2 new portable chapels. With the help of Venezuela seminary student David Querales and Missionary Jon Fischer, they worked super hard to cut, grind and weld the chapels together. 

At present, the metal structures look like a building, but the impact these portable chapels are able to have can be overwhelming.  Men and women's lives will be changed, families drowning in sin will be transformed. Youth and children will learn about God's love and will be discipled to be future leaders of our church.  

The portable chapel is designed for groups of people or missions that need a place to meet, to have a place of worship until they can build their own building.  Then they will either move the chapel to a preaching point or plant a new church. Sometimes the chapel will go to another district that is need of a place to worship.  Some chapels have been moved as many as 4 times to be a blessing in those places.

Thank you, Ron and Rick, for planting seeds of God's love.
Photos: Rick Teeny


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