We Reached our Goal!!

We are starting the year out with great news and a big thank you to all donors for faithfully giving!! Praise the Lord!! We needed $15,000, $7,500 was raised and will be matched for the San Vicente Property on the Sierra Centro District. 

A huge thank you to special NAF Partners, who are business owners and committed to match what was raised. When the pandemic started it was evident that the company of the NAF business owner needed to lay off 200 workers but with God's leading, stepping out on faith and creative business thinking they turned around their business and not only didn't need to lay off the 200 workers but had to hire more!!! Praise the Lord for these blessings! 

San Vicente is a church plant, a daughter church, of the San Miguel Church of the Nazarene in the beautiful Andes Mountains in the province of Bolivar. Pastors Alex and Cynthia are the pastors of the San Miguel church and have planted 3 other works in the area. This church is just one of the new church plants in this district, that is reaching out to more than 8,000 children.  The churches start with 200 children who are taught about God, in return, those children impact the lives of their parents to turn their hearts toward the Lord. 

You are a part of families being changed, a community being changed. 

During this time the children are not meeting for classes but packages of food are being delivered to their homes monthly. 

Thank you for your faithfulness in giving and prayer. The work of the Lord goes forward because of wonderful people like you. 


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