Ecuador Organizes Its First Korean Church of the Nazarene

God's love knows no borders or limits! Who would have dreamed of a Korean church thriving among a Latin population? God would! As a result, the Sierra Norte District in Quito, Ecuador, organized the first Korean Church of the Nazarene on February 15, 2009. This is also the first organized Korean Church in the South American Region.
District Superintendent Hernan Puga preached at and directed the organization service in which 30 Korean brothers and sisters joined the Church of the Nazarene. A group of Spanish-speaking Nazarene pastors and other guests helped in the festivities. The service was translated back and forth between Korean and Spanish. Following the service, everyone enjoyed a wonderful Korean feast.
Pastor Kang Joon Young is a student of Korean Nazarene University. He preaches to the congregation on Sundays over the Internet and personally comes to visit the church every couple of months. He has been granted a district minister's license from the Ecuador district. Praise God for His creativity in bringing Nazarenes together to fulfill His great commission.