Testimony of Susy Guadamud

My name is Susy Guadamud and I am from Manibí, Ecuador. Five years ago I gave my life to Christ. My teenage brother, Xavier, spent 1 ½ years in prison, and we all worked day-to-day to get his freedom. My family was desperate when God told my sister, Mireya, to look for an evangelical church so she could receive God’s guidance. All of this was new to my family but the love and mercy of God was so big that He used this moment to touch my heart and bring me to Him. Then a miracle occurred. My brother was almost sentenced to 24 years in prison when he received his freedom. It was then that I felt in my heart a call to serve God. I knew that I had to leave everything at that moment, and I accepted this call in gratitude for everything God has done for my brother, my family and for the gift of my salvation.

Today I am in my 4th year of Seminary training in Quito, Ecuador. My current ministry is in counseling and I’m a group leader at the Seminary. My dream is to return to my home church and put into practice everything I’ve learned at Seminary. God has done extraordinary things in my life while I’ve been at the Seminary, and I want more people to know Him and to experience restored hearts. My call is to be a Missionary and a Restoration Counselor. I want to serve Him and love Him until the last day of my life.


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