162nd Church Organized in Ecuador

A full house excitedly gathered at the Centro de Adoración Norte (North Center of Adoration) on Sunday, 9/20, to celebrate the official organization of this church located in the Sierra Centro District in Riobamba, Ecuador. Field Strategy Coordinator Dwight Rich and District Superintendent Mario Paredes presided over the ceremony.
Because a focus on children’s ministry has been a major thrust for this church, the service included the children. A group of children gave a beautiful performance to the song “Mande la Luz” (Send the Light). The children’s director in the church also called the 120 children in attendance up to the front for exhortation and prayer. (See photos 1 & 2.)
Pastor Wilson and Paula Paredes were installed as the pastors as part of the ceremony. They received communion and they took an oath to fulfill the obligations of leading an organized church in the Church of the Nazarene. The leaders of the church were also called forward and were prayed over as part of the installation. (See photos 3 & 4.)
What a day of celebration! The church thanked all of the many people who have helped them arrive at this day: the many Work & Witness teams that have helped build the building; the NILI ministry teams that have painted walls and built furniture; and many others who have invested in their church, including their own church people. Recently one of the NILI-Professional students painted murals in the church. In photo 5, you’ll see a cross she painted which greets attendees as they enter the church. Pastor Wilson acknowledged God’s blessings upon their church and is looking forward to a bright future as they minister to their part of the world.