Praise God for Good News on the North Andean Field

We are so thankful for the wonderful testimonies and statistics reported at the many recent District Assemblies and Conventions held throughout the NAF in February and March. Here are some of the highlights:
In Venezuela, the Primero District and Llanos District had great assemblies. Primero had 16.5% growth and organized one new church. Llanos had 11.5% growth and reports 12 missions just on the verge of being organized. There was a wonderful spirit of unity on both districts.
Dr. Stanley Toler, General Superintendent in jurisdiction in South America for the next two years, and Dr. Christian Sarmiento shared a 3-hour leadership conference in the following cities: Bogota, Medellin and Cali, Colombia, and Guayaquil and Quito, Ecuador. These leadership conferences ran concurrent with district assemblies so they were very well attended. Dr. Stan Toler’s presentation was on “How to Recruit and Develop Leaders in the Local Church.” Dr. Christian Sarmiento’s presentation was “Leadership that Conquers (Wins).”
Photo 1: From left to right, District Superintendent Eduardo Mesa, Dr. Christian Sarmiento, Dr. Stan Toler, and Field Strategy Coordinator Dwight Rich, proceeding over the District Assembly in Guayaquil, Ecuador.
Photo 2&3: Drs. Toler and Sarmiento
Photo 4: The participants of the District Assembly in Guayaquil.
Photo 4: The participants of the District Assembly in Guayaquil.