Introducing Extreme -Ambato Ecuador 40/40

The North Andean Field has entered into a partnership with Extreme Nazarene Ministries to plant the church in 4 Ecuador cities where we presently do not have work.  The cities are Ambato, Ibarra, Manta, and Portoviejo.  

Extreme Strategy
We will be using a modified Master's Plan approach.  This is the strategy that is being used by our big church in Cali, Colombia.  Each city will receive a team of 14 people composed of a national pastoral couple, a support couple, 5 Ecuadorian young people, and 5 North American young people.  Using a cell group approach, the goal is to plant a fully self-supporting, governing, and propagating organized church within two years with an average attendance of 200.  Then a building will be built with teams for the new congregation.

40/40 Missionaries
The new church is to be planted in a middle to upper-class neighborhood with the purpose of becoming a strong church in every aspect and being the launching point for planting more churches within the city.  The young church planters will be called 40/40 missionaries.  Each 40/40 will raise his/her own support.  One of the goals of the project is to raise up a group of trained missionaries who following this project can be considered for missionary service to other parts of South America and then to the ends of the Earth.
 The first team, to work in Ambato, begins training in Peru on January 20, 2013.  They have already been selected and are in the process of raising their funding.  The Ecuadorian youth have to raise $3600 for the two-year period.  This works out to a monthly amount of $150 to cover food, housing, medical insurance, and transportation

We would like to invite you to be involved
We would like to invite you to be involved by investing in the lives of these young people, called by God to serve as missionary church planters.  We need to begin immersing these church planting teams and the target cities in prayer.  We would also like to invite you to be involved financially in helping these kids meet their obligations.  This may be done through a one-time donation to the team or a specific youth, or it could be done through a commitment to give monthly any amount that the Lord might lead you to give. We will give you more details about the project in the coming weeks!  


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