Local Church: Bellavista Church
of the Nazarene in Riobamba,
District: Sierra
Extreme Ambato Ecuador 40/40
I give thanks to my heavenly father because since I was a
little girl He has given me the opportunity to serve in the church and in
Sunday School. When I was 15, I was
praying at the altar in a church sunrise service on a Tuesday at 5 am. Through
a song by Jesús Adrián Romero called "Aqui Estoy- Here I am," our
Lord Jesus called me to serve. I answered just like the words in the song say,
"Father God you don't need to look for anyone else, I want to go, now is
my time, here are my hours, here am I.
My life is for you and I want to invest in you, here are my years, here
am I." Since that day my desire is
to serve God and I am doing that in my local church and it is an incomparable
privilege to serve the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, Christ Jesus.
I was in my fourth
year of Clinical Psychology which I chose to serve my "neighbor", to
help him spiritually, emotionally, and mentally. Now through Nazarene Extreme I
can complete this call that God gave me and I am available to put in practice
all my acquired knowledge and work for the Kingdom of God
here in my country. My Father God has
always shown his love and power and has completed his promises. I choose to follow Christ and it is the best
decision that I could have made in my life.
I want to love and faithfully serve until the last breathe that I take.
I am available to give everything to Him and to leave everything for Him
because I love Him!!