PLNU Love Works Does Ministry in the Jungle

Twelve students and two leaders started meeting three months before their arrival so they would be better prepared for their trip.
After traveling 3,000 kilometers, hugging and loving on children in 3 church districts, crossing creaky bridges, eating 20 whole chickens, unknown kilos of rice, trying different foods, digging and carry rocks to help with foundations and ministering to over 1,000 children, the PLNU Love Works team has completed their three week ministry tour. This trip was life changing for the team and also for the ones they ministered to. The team encouraged church leaders that children's ministry is so much more than just listening to a story and coloring a page to go with the story.   We went into jungle areas where the homes changed into huts and bamboo.  
   During the trip the team shared their life stories which created a bond between them to help them understand each other and be able to live together for three weeks without any drama. 
   On the last day of their de-briefing they were asked,"Fifteen years from now what do you want to remember about these three weeks?" Some of them replied the children's smiles and hugs and others said the bond that the team had created.  
   We praise the Lord for the 14 young adults that made the sacrifice to come and make a difference in Ecuador and also let God use them and change their lives forever.  God bless you Love Works Team Ecuador! 


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