Nazarene Missions Orientation

Praise the Lord for the COM- Nazarene Missions Orientation conference that was held at the Nazarene Campground in Santo Domingo on the North Coast District, Nov 13-15.  There were 18 participants ranging in ages from young teens to adults from different districts of Ecuador.  The workshops, presentations and sermons were directed by Liliana Reza, Regional Coordinator of Global Mission, Jefferson Estevez, Ecuador Coordinator of Global Missions, and Esdras Jiménez, Missionary and Coordinator of Ecuador Ministries. Also the National Coordinator of NMI, Lestenia Bolaños shared. 
The evenings were a time of mediatation to reflect on the confirmation of the call that God has put in their hearts to serve in missions. At the end of the event there were testimonies of how God had called participants into missions service or pastoral calls.  This is what the Sierra North NYI president, Nube Aulla, said about COM- "Nazarene Missions Orientation for me is a very important tool because it challenges the young to look more to the Lord for the gift in which they can serve in a way more effective in the ministry that God has put them.  It allows young people to live a dynamically live being a missionary with similar experiences and helps us to have a better picture of what missions is."


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