Dwight has been busy heading up one of 4 new strategical focuses for the church in
South America. It has required many trips and meetings. Carolyn continues to be the
"hostess with the mostest." On Thanksgiving she hosted 25 people in our home and in
the first days of December hosted over 55 in our annual Christmas leaders luncheon.
On September 29, Dwight's mother Marion Rich was in a serious automobile accident.
After struggling through a roller coaster ride of positive and negative swings in her
health, she turned 88 on December 5. On December 6 she was at an all time low and
Pastor John Poling and his wife were visiting. Those present began to sing some of
Mom's favorite hymns. She opened her eyes wide and looked at them, then she
nodded, and went to be with Her Lord. We celebrate a life well lived in the service of
her Lord and others. She touched many lives in a positive way and she will be greatly
Our whole family was able to accompany dad during the time

of the funeral, children, grandchildren, and great-grand sons. We apprec
iate the prayers for our whole family.