Thank you-Seminary Scholarships

We want to thank you for your generous response for the Venezuela Seminary Student Scholarships.  These are the two girls that you are partnering with to fulfill God's calling on their lives. On the left, is Maria Ollarves who is attending seminary for the first time, and she is from the Centro District in San Felipe, Venezuela.  On the right is Joselvia Rodriguez Garcia who is returning for her second year in her studies in Theology to receive her ministers licence.  She is from the Llanos District in Barinas, Venezuela.  
The yearly cost for a Venezuelan student to come to study in our Seminary in Quito is $1350. This includes round trip airfare between the two countries, tuition, food, and housing.

If the Lord leads you, you may still contribute through the North Andean Field Partnership.   For the project name please mention Venezuela Seminary Scholarships.


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