The Power of Prayer
Many people gathered together, shielding themselves from the hot sun with umbrellas to celebrate the dedication of their new church property. The Lord gave Pastor Adalberto Herrera and Pastora Nineye de Herrera a great vision for the Cali, Colombia Paso Ancho Church of the Nazarene.
In the 1980s, a Work and Witness team from Oregon helped them begin their building. After years of mediocre results, the Lord led the pastors to invite their congregation of 80 to begin a prayer and fasting service. Three elderly ladies joined them to make 5 praying every Wednesday. By the end of the year two dropped out leaving only 3 praying and fasting. God heard their prayers and started blessing them and little by little the church began to grow.
Bit by bit the congregation added to their building until the sanctuary seated over 2000 people worshipping in 6 Sunday services. At the conclusion of a service, the 2000+ file out a side door and another 2000+ enter through the front doors. Police direct traffic as private cars, taxis, and buses arrive for each new service.
Every week between 50 to 300 people get commit their lives to Christ. Within 24 hours each new convert receives a phone call to set up a personal visit. Each person's profession of faith is affirmed, and he or she is tied to a nearby cell group. The Master’s Plan strategy focuses on leadership multiplication. The pastor disciples 12 leaders who each in turn disciple 12 others and so on. In addition, each leader directs a home cell group which is evangelistic and discipling in nature.
On Saturday nights Youth Pastor Juan David Herrera leads services for the youth with an attendance of 2,000+. Pastor Juan David is the son of Pastors Adalberto and Nineye.
Prayer is the heartbeat and the backbone of the church. The Wednesday prayer and fasting service continues but now in 3 services at 6AM, 9AM, and 7PM with close to 5000 in attendance. Tuesdays at 4 - 6AM there is another “Cry of the Early Morning” prayer meeting
The church has fasted and prayed for a number of years for a larger building in which to worship, and on May 9 they celebrated the new property that God has provided for them. The theme was "I am in my New House," "Estoy en mi Nueva Casa.” Missionary Luis Meza was in attendance to participate in this exciting celebration. The House of Prayer Church has plans to build a worship center where between 7,000 to 14,000 people can attend at one time. (Depends on municipal permissions as to the size) They will begin with 3 worship services right from the beginning. Pray for them as they continue to fast and pray for the finances for their new church building. Photo and video credits to the Cali Church.
In the 1980s, a Work and Witness team from Oregon helped them begin their building. After years of mediocre results, the Lord led the pastors to invite their congregation of 80 to begin a prayer and fasting service. Three elderly ladies joined them to make 5 praying every Wednesday. By the end of the year two dropped out leaving only 3 praying and fasting. God heard their prayers and started blessing them and little by little the church began to grow.
Bit by bit the congregation added to their building until the sanctuary seated over 2000 people worshipping in 6 Sunday services. At the conclusion of a service, the 2000+ file out a side door and another 2000+ enter through the front doors. Police direct traffic as private cars, taxis, and buses arrive for each new service.
Every week between 50 to 300 people get commit their lives to Christ. Within 24 hours each new convert receives a phone call to set up a personal visit. Each person's profession of faith is affirmed, and he or she is tied to a nearby cell group. The Master’s Plan strategy focuses on leadership multiplication. The pastor disciples 12 leaders who each in turn disciple 12 others and so on. In addition, each leader directs a home cell group which is evangelistic and discipling in nature.
On Saturday nights Youth Pastor Juan David Herrera leads services for the youth with an attendance of 2,000+. Pastor Juan David is the son of Pastors Adalberto and Nineye.
Prayer is the heartbeat and the backbone of the church. The Wednesday prayer and fasting service continues but now in 3 services at 6AM, 9AM, and 7PM with close to 5000 in attendance. Tuesdays at 4 - 6AM there is another “Cry of the Early Morning” prayer meeting
