Praise the Lord His Church is Growing!
The Llanos District Assembly in Venezuela was held in Barinas. We give thanks to the Lord for the re- election of District Superintendent Rafael Trejo to serve another 4 years. DS Rafael and his family are pictured above.
District Superintendent Hernán Puga from Quito, Ecuador, far right, presided over the assembly.
photo credits: Jose Antonio Gallardo Piña
The Sur Occidental District of Colombia held it's 32nd District Assembly in the Casa de Oracion Church of the Nazarene in Cali, Colombia.
District Superintendent Jerrison Ambuilia gave a report that one new church was organized this year to make 39 organized churches. The district added 651 new members bringing the the total to 15,906 members. Praise the Lord!
The assembly was presided by Missionary and District Superintendent Luis Meza.
pictures by: Juan Soto
Ecuador's Austro District held it's District Assembly at the Church of the Nazarene in Macas, Ecuador. District Superintendent Antonio Luceroshared his report. Missionary and NAF Director Dwight Rich presided over the assembly. photo credits; Alba Cristina Patiñophoto credits; Alba Cristina Patiño |