Short Term Trips- Lifetime Impacts
The Lubbock, TX Work and Witness team worked in the Sierra Centro District Center in Riobamba, Ecuador. The team welcomed Dan from OH at the last minute. They put the roof on the third story District Center which will be used for housing of families and couples during retreats and conferences.
While the construction was taking place the rest of the team worked closely alongside the leaders in the area and held VBS classes everyday for the children that came to the center. As many as 75 children came to hear Bible Stories with fun crafts and games to follow.
The leadership of the District Center fixed most meals for the team to allow them to have time to minister. The team firmly believed in covering their days in prayer and praising Him all day long. It was as if the heavens opened up in the devotional times. They prayed as they were putting up the beams on the 3rd floor, they prayed over the Nazarene School and leaders that they visited, they did a prayer walk in the neighborhood they were working in and covered Superintendent Mario Paredes and family in prayer before they left.
Since the Praise Team was in the group it was be fitting to sing and give testimonies during the 4 hour returning trip to Quito. There were many tears as the goodbye's and hugs were given to the children on the last night but the team has the assurance that God has the children in His protecting arms. Missionary Shirley Fischer, said, "The team was a breathe of fresh air and they were the encouragement i needed, it was like being in "church" all day long."
One youth on the team, Jon, said ," I never realized I would have such a great time on a missions trip."
"Short term trips=life-time impacts"- quote from team leader Jake

While the construction was taking place the rest of the team worked closely alongside the leaders in the area and held VBS classes everyday for the children that came to the center. As many as 75 children came to hear Bible Stories with fun crafts and games to follow.
The leadership of the District Center fixed most meals for the team to allow them to have time to minister. The team firmly believed in covering their days in prayer and praising Him all day long. It was as if the heavens opened up in the devotional times. They prayed as they were putting up the beams on the 3rd floor, they prayed over the Nazarene School and leaders that they visited, they did a prayer walk in the neighborhood they were working in and covered Superintendent Mario Paredes and family in prayer before they left.
Since the Praise Team was in the group it was be fitting to sing and give testimonies during the 4 hour returning trip to Quito. There were many tears as the goodbye's and hugs were given to the children on the last night but the team has the assurance that God has the children in His protecting arms. Missionary Shirley Fischer, said, "The team was a breathe of fresh air and they were the encouragement i needed, it was like being in "church" all day long."
One youth on the team, Jon, said ," I never realized I would have such a great time on a missions trip."
"Short term trips=life-time impacts"- quote from team leader Jake
