Who Will Tell the Children

The Montrose, Colorado Work and Witness team worked hard with their Quichua brothers and sisters to build a church in San Pedro de Tunchi, outside of Riobamba, Ecuador on the Sierra Centro District.
The church people have outgrown the portable chapel that was set up 4 years ago by the MNU Work and Witness team who had to pull up cabbage plants to make a place to install the chapel up.
The San Pedro area is a farming community that has large green houses full of many kinds of plants.

The team was made up of families, some of 3 generations, and home school students who worked just as hard as the adults.
God had a plan for the two groups to work together as the church was made up of families also. Hermana Rosita who was called Mamma Rosita, and her husband Domingo, have 7 adult children who worked with the team as well as other church people. Mama Rosita donated the property for the church and wanted to make sure that she had a copy of the video the team made because she said, "How will the children that come to the church later know how the church was built."

Kevin Paredes, 20 year old son of DS Mario Paredes, worked with the team while he was on vacation from school and shared that one of the church people said the team built in two weeks what it would have taken them 2 months or more to build.

The team was touched by how appreciative the San Pedro Church people were by giving them meals everyday and gifts at the closing service.
They also had the joy of knowing that they helped the church people build a place to have their first Easter Service to celebrate the resurrection of the Lord Jesus!