Its District Assembly Time
The Andino District led by District Superintendent Rev. Serafin Camargo, held it's 26th annual District Convention and Assembly at the Colon Church of the Nazarene. It was a time of celebration, fellowship and motivation.
During the assembly, two young ladies received diplomas from the Theological Education Extension classes.
District Superintendent Rev. Carlos Cordero from the Lago District
presided over the Conventions and the Assembly.
This district has the support of all the national department leaders and we praise God for the strong leadership. Please pray for our brothers and sisters as they cope with difficult times.
Foto credit goes to Venezuela.
The Ecuador Costa Norte District, led by Dr. Santiago Bereche, held it's 30th District Assembly at the Nazarene Church at the campground.
Some churches had first time representation from their churches. Praise the Lord for his moving on the district.
NAF Director Dwight Rich presided over the Assembly. Other missionary representation was present.
Foto credit:goes to Esdras Jimenez.
2018 District Assemblies
North Andean Field
February Place Presiding
10 VEN Lago Santa Rita Rafael Trejo
COL Central Sur Bogotá Dwight Rich
16 COL Central Norte Bogotá Luis Meza
17 EC Austro Macas Dwight Rich
COL Suroccidental Cali Luis Meza
VEN Centro Rafael Trejo
24 EC Sierra Centro Riobamba Dwight Rich
COL Eje Cafetero Jerrison Ambuila
VEN Primero Maracay Carlos Cordero
25 COL Nororiental Luis Meza
3 VEN Llanos Barinas Carlos Cordero
6 EC Costa Guayaquil David Busic
7 EC Sierra Sur Cuenca David Busic
10 EC Sierra Norte Quito Dwight Rich
COL Noroccidental Medellin Luis Meza