A Volunteer Builds Places of Worship

NAF Partner and Volunteer Ron Boeve worked hard for three weeks in Quito Ecuador at the Work and Witness shop welding a portable chapel. Two Venezuelan seminary students, Genesis and William Rivero, helped to bend all the sheet metal to make the job go faster. Four years ago when Ron came, he made the machine that Genesis and William used.
Ron started going to Ecuador 10 years ago for 3 weeks at a time, to do whatever, but mainly to weld. One year he made a trailer that is used to transport the portable chapels, concrete mixer or other construction equipment. He will be making his third trip to Argentina this Dec.
We appreciate Ron's dedication and sacrifice to come and serve. Not only does Ron construct the chapels but he finances them by splitting and selling wood Thank you Ron, for your hard work.
Ron's wife Margaret, was not able to make most of the trips as she stayed back to care for her sister. Please pray for Margaret as her sister went to be with the Lord Sept. 6 there will be a memorial service Oct. 27. Especially pray for Margaret on Tuesdays as that was their day for special outings.

Venezuela seminary student William Rivero also helped with all the painting of the chapels.
This is the small community were the portable chapel was placed.
Work and Witness Coordinators, Jon and Shirley Fischer along with helper Lucho Flores traveled to Camaron, Ecuador, on the Sierra Centro District, the night before putting up the chapel so they could get an early start. At 5:30 in the morning they met church people to load the chapel and started the hour climb up the curvey, rocky mountain road to Tigre Urko.
They were greeted by 15 youth anxious to help with putting up their new church along the side of a mountain with an amazing view. More adults came as the morning chores were being completed.
A little before noon the chapel was up and the people were gathered around to give thanks for their new place of worship. As they prayed you could hear the appreciation being expressed from their hearts.
The Cameron church started a year ago and ministers to over 50 children. They planted the Tigre Urko church as well as two other plants they are ministering to. They already have plans for the next chapel.

Pastor Fernando and his wife were lay people a year ago and now have three churches they are ministering to, along with the help of their children and others from their church.