The Influence of Teaching Never Ends
The children’s ministry team from Greenwood (SC) Community Church of the Nazarene spent a week in the Riobamba area of the Sierra Central District in July. The Work and Witness team visited 7 churches (Pompea, Gataso, La Vaqueria, Riobamba, Guaranda, Vera Cruz, and Chambo) during the week, and ministered to about 3,000 children during the 7 children’s services. They also conducted 3 workshops for about 80 children’s workers, teaching puppetry and crafts.
This is a ministry that is fruitful while administering the classes for children but think of the workshops for the 80 workers that are being equipped to do this same ministry in their areas. Then they will teach others and the methods will continue on for years.
Pastor Glen conducted one seminar with district pastors on the importance of children’s ministry.
Thank you to the Greenwood Community Church for seeing the need to teach and being available to be used by God.