What is Work and Witness?
What is Work and Witness?
Work & Witness began with a group of concerned laymen who wanted to meet the needs that they saw around them. What began as “Men in Missions” officially became “Work and Witness” in 1984.
For those of you who are not familiar with this phrase, it is a group that is formed together from a local church, churches or a district that sacrificially gives of their time and money to serve in another place sometimes overseas.
The team will put together their passion and talents to participate in ministries such as construction, evangelism in all different forms, children, medical, sports, IT, or humanitarian projects. The team has a huge impact on a community while serving. Most of the impact at first is curiosity, but after the community sees how hard teams work and how they show Jesus to a community through their kindness, then they start to realize what a sacrifice the team has made and how the team wants to serve.
What most Work and Witness team members don’t realize and are taken by surprise is the impact it makes on their personal life and the changes they will make in their own habits or way of living when they return to their home country.
Work and Witness not only changes lives to go and serve but more so it opens one’s eyes to what missions truly is. Whether the trip is a long term or short-term trip it can make an effect of how you live your life at home. Missions is in our backyards, our neighborhoods and communities.
Stephen Sickel, Global Director of Work and Witness has a vision to expand and broaden the ministry globally, to cross borders and “go” country to country, nation to nation. He is encouraging countries to “Work” and “Witness” and build the church through relationships with other countries. What an impact can be made for the Kingdom of God!