Thanks to Regional Evangelism Director Jimmy De Gouveia for the different conference topics being discussed online.
The suffering that has come from the pandemic is in both health and economy. While this is true globally, in Ecuador many pastors and church members have lost daily and weekly salaries and churches are struggling under heavy financial losses. Collecting offerings is challenging. Those who mourn the loss of loved ones to the virus are faced with the inability to bury their dead. Hospitals are overloaded and now unable to care for patients with other pre-existing health conditions.
Pray for the families that have lost loved ones to the virus, particularly in the city of Guayaquil (hardest hit with nearly 800 deaths). Though reported numbers countrywide remain inconsistent, unofficial reports far exceed the number of reported deaths that have occurred with bodies recovered from homes and on the streets. The hospitals and funeral services are so overwhelmed that they cannot keep up with the death toll. 60% of pastors have shown symptoms of COVID-19, but all are recuperating. The churches in the most affected areas of Guayaquil are distributing food and sharing compassion with the neediest and elderly in their neighborhoods and churches where employment has been lost. This is happening, though all are living in the highest impact and threatened area.
MNI Prayer Mobibilzation Line
In a report put out by the General Superintendents, there has occurred an average of 1 death in the majority of our Nazarene Churches in the Guayaquil area. Please continue to pray.
The NAF is grateful for your donations to Nazarene Compassionate Ministries. So far NCM has donated a little over $27,000 which is being used to give relief to pastor's families.
In the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, Nazarenes from the Casa de Oración Church of the Nazarene in Cali, Colombia, decided to gather food and pack it so that they could deliver it to people in need.

“Because of the social distancing measures during this time, we cannot give a hug or a hand to others to express our appreciation, and bringing food to people who don't have it is one way to show God's love,” said pastors Nineye and Adalberto Herrera.
The church has given out roughly 2,000 bags of food and benefited nearly 10,000 people. In addition to the food donated, they’ve cooked roughly 3,800 meals for those in need in the community as well.
The distribution was possible in large part due to the help of the church’s youth and local volunteers, as well as donations from church members and through church funds.
"We thank God for allowing us to reach hundreds of families, who are going through need today,” the Herreras said. “We have seen tears of happiness and gratitude. Thank you, because together we make this possible. The church continues its march!"
Church of the Nazarene SA
Church of the Nazarene SA