Boxes of Bl;essings
June 30
Rev. Rodolfo Camargo and his wife Elena, the pastors from the Church of the Nazarene in Mendez, Ecuador along with 3 other adults and 2 teens took Samaritan Purse boxes to 3 different Shuar communities in the Amazon Jungle. Samaritans Purse sponsors the Operation Christmas Child project where volunteers make up shoeboxes full of necessary items and fun treats that are sent to ove100 countries in the world as outreach to share the Gospel.
They took 171 Christmas Operation Child boxes to children between the ages of 2 to 17 in the 3 communities. They shared the Gospel with them of how much God loves them. The evangelism team took what little food they could afford which was bread and sardines, and a common oatmeal drink. During a previous visit to this area, they gave some clothes the church had collected, and washed, and cut the hair of the children.
The Mendez church is planning on another project to these same communities of bringing food, medicine, shampoo, giving haircuts, sports, doing puppet shows, and other dramas.
They are hoping to name these areas as missions of the Church of the Nazarene in this zone. They have 4 other communities with over 180 children they hope to evangelize also.
Pastors Rodolfo and Elena were former District Superintendents in Venezuela and have been pastors of the Mendez Church of the Nazarene for 2 years. The Mendez church is on the Austro District.
Pray for this small church as they continue to raise funds to minister to their neighboring communities. If you would like to be a part of this ministry email us at