Print Your Boarding Passes, Let’s Take a Trip on the "NazAir "Airlines

 Sept. 22,2020

Sponsored Missionaries, serving in Peru, Jennifer, and Harrison Guamán were the associate pastors at their former church in Ecuador. When the church needed online Children's Missionary Lessons for Sunday School they knew who would be perfect for the task.

When Jen is asked to do something she goes into 100% creative mode. She wanted the children to have a full understanding of missions around the world so she contacted missionary families of different world areas to share about their countries. She made 4 lessons that each have a correlation to a Bible Story which is watched during the flight.  Jen wanted the children to learn that the most important thing they can do is pray for missionaries worldwide.

She created videos of in-flight teaching lessons with her being the flight attendant and her daughter being the passenger, flying on the made-up Missionary Airplane called "Nazair" Airlines, to the different countries learning about the cultures. 

They flew from Ecuador to the Philippines, Equatorial Guinea, Paraguay, and Papua New Guinea. The children from these countries did a great job of sharing in the video where they lived, a little bit about their language, food, and prayer requests for their family and country. It was exciting for the children watching to see what other countries are like and to connect with missionary children and some of their pets. They now have a better world view of where missionaries live and what the children do. 

Jen has served as a Support Missionary in Venezuela, Ecuador, and now she and her husband serve as Work and Witness Coordinators in Peru.  She is also a homeschool teacher and helps with translating letters in Nazarene Compassionate Ministries in Peru.

The lessons can be found at the following links and can be used to share with your children missions lessons.  They are in Spanish but can be easily translated.   

Papua New Guinea
Equatorial Guinea


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